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Cebu Food: Albertos Pizza

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Food is the one thing you need to look for a certain place if you travel because everybody wants food and food wants us. I'm happy that there are lots of Cebu foods can be take home abroad and local.

But this time, to those who want to travel Cebu City. You must visit the Alberto's Pizza. When you say pizza in Cebu City, one famous pizza is Alberto's Pizza. Most people want their pizza because it's reasonable price.

Alberto's Pizza has many branches. Every cities and municipalities has Alberto's pizza. When my friends celebrate a birthdays we directly order or go to their branch directly since it's near our school.

They offer a lot of pizza flavors. Now, they have the Sisig Pizza which I also like since I love Sisig. Alberto's Pizza rate is quite cheap other than pizzas but they still offer a delicious pizza. Whatever you paid for pizza, it's SULIT.
You can also order Alberto's Pizza by their phone number on each branch. Look for the directories for the number of the branch.

Rush to the Alberto's Pizza now and grab their pizza one at a time. Visit 

Like the Facebook Page of Albertos Pizza

Don't miss to eat at ALBERTO'S PIZZA. ORDER, EAT, BUSOG!


  1. Anonymous said...:

    I'm going to visit that when I go to Cebu next year.. :)

  1. Laagan said...:

    @iamzennia Sure..Be sure you don't missed it! :)

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